Saturday, June 11, 2016

Configure User Profile Service Application on SharePoint Server 2013

         Step by step Configure User Profile Service Application on SharePoint Server 2013


  1.  Central Administration--> Application management-->Manage service applications.


Configure User Profile Service Application


   2.  Manage service applications-->New-->User Profile Service Application. 


New User Profile Service Application


  3.  Provide the following details:


        Application Pool Name

        Service Account: farm but change it to a service account later after creation

         Database Server Name: 

        My Site Host URL:

         My Site Managed path:

        Site Naming Format: 

User Profile Service Application

User Profile Service Application


User Profile Service Application

User Profile Service Application

User Profile Service Application

User Profile Service Application


   4.  Click OK

User Profile Service Application

User Profile Service Application


5. Start the following Service

     User Profile Service

     User Profile Synchronization Service


User Profile Service Application

6. Run an IISRESET.

7.  To configure a synchronization connection, 

 Central Administration >> Application Management >>Manage Service Application >> User Profile Service >> Configure Synchronization Connection


Synchronization Connection


 8. Add a new connection


New Connection

 9.  Provide the Sync Connection Name

             Select Active Directory

             Provide the Domain Controller Name

             Select the Authentication Provider as Windows Authentication

             Provide the Service Account details

Service account should be Read Delegation rights on Active Directory Domain Controller


New Synchronization Connection


   10.  Click on Populate Containers

        Select the Containers where you have got users.


Populate Containers


  11.  And after that click "OK". After that go to User Profile Service Application  


User Profile Service Application


  12. Click on "Configure Synchronization Timer Job". Set time intervals for sync there


Timer Job Intervals


  13. Go to User Profile Service Application and click on "Start Profile Synchronization" to start sync.

Start Profile Synchronization


  14. This is first time so we are choosing sync, choose "Full sync"

Full Profile Synchronization


   Now Synchronization Status” has changed from "Idle" to "Synchronizing".

Profile Synchronization


15. Click on the “Synchronizing” link to get the sync status


After the sync is completed, the status changes again “Idle”, and the results of sync in the Profiles section.

Full ProfileSynchronization Status


16. Again go to User Profile Service Application and click on "Manage User Profiles".


Manage User Profiles


  After modifying some querying, here is user with their properties.


Manage User Profile

Edit User Profile


Thank you very much

          Fahadullah Karimi

         SharePoint Specialist

Configure Search Service Application on SharePoint Server 2013 Web Application creation on SharePoint Server 2013

1 comment:

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