Friday, May 27, 2016

SQL Server 2012 Installation

               Step by step installation of Microsoft SQL Server 2012

       1. Download SQL Server 2012

      2. Create new user "sqladmin" in Active directory ( How to add New User to Active Directory)
      3. Add user SPAdmin to local administrator group which was created ( Active Directory User)

       4. Click on SQL Server 2012 Setup file

SQL Server Installation Center


       5. Click on New SQL Server stand alone installation.

New Installation Option


       6. Click on OK.

Setup Support Rule


    7. Enter Product key  and click Next.


    8.  Accept the License terms.


    9. Install updates or Unchecked select box and click Next.



    10. Click Next.

Setup Support Rule


   11. Select SQL Server Feature Installation and click Next.

SQL Server Feature Installation



   12.  Select Database engine, SQL Server Replication, Full -Text and Semantic  Extractions for Search, Data Quality Service, Analysis Services, Reporting Services – Native, Reporting Services – SharePoint, Management Tools – Basic and Complete both 

and click Next.

Instance Feature


    13. Click Next.

Installation Rule

    14. Continue as default instance and Click Next.

Instance Create


    15. Click Next.

    16. Add Service account in Active directory for

                   SQL Server Database Engine 

                  SQL Server Agent  .

                  SQL Server Analysis Service .

Service Accounts

     17. Click Next.

     18. Select Mixed Mode SQL Server authentication and put password for sa account.

      Click Add Current User button to add current user as SQL Server admin.



     19. Click Next.

     20. Enter SQL Analysis service account as admin for Analysis service access. Then Click Next.

Analysis Service

     21. Select Install only option for Reporting service then Click Next.

Reporting Service

      22.  Click Next.

     23.  Click Next.

     24.  Click Install.



      Installation done!


Thank you very much

          Fahadullah Karimi

         SharePoint Specialist

Active Directory Configuration on Windows Server 2012 Install Online/Offline prerequisites for SharePoint Server 2013

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